Posts Tagged ‘Draco constellation’

NoetiTao™ and the Book of Light—Part II

November 28, 2021

This will continue where “NoetiTao™ and the Book of Light” left off last month (October 2021). The Book of Light, The Sepher Bahir, is a compilation of ancient Kabbalist writings. Last month’s post offered a NoetiTaoist™ commentary on the first of the book’s five sections, titled: “The First Verses of Creation.” Each of the most significant philosophical/theological conclusions of those Kabbalist rabbis (Jewish mystics) expressed in the second section, titled: “Aleph-Beth,” is synopsized below and italicized, followed by our commentary.

1. The Hebrew letter of the alphabet, Aleph, was before everything; however, Bet, which follows Aleph, was first in the Torah, with a tail that points to its origin. Gimel, having three parts, is third.

Aleph symbolizes the intersection between the first dimension of Omniverse and the preceding Nothing of Dimension Zero which is before everything; yet, in a sense, Dimension Zero is the first dimension overall. The second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Bet is called “the first” because it is the first letter of the Torah, and it means house, as Omniverse houses everything and is correspondent with “…my Father’s house,” which is filled with “…many mansions,” as Jesus of Nazareth said in the New Testament. Aleph also symbolizes the reflection of Nothing as the All, with attendant meta-polarity that enables generation of everything within the nine-dimensionality of infinite Omniverse. In its design, Bet symbolizes the open-ended containment of the contents of Omniverse (Hebrew is read right-to-left) and points back to its origin. Gimel symbolizes the three-ness of Omniversal structure, the three-ness on which it “stands”: three dimensions of Consciousness, three of Time, and three of Space—all three sets of dimensions integrated components of the One.

2. The angels were not present, not yet created, on the first day of Creation. God is the sole Creator. From eternity, the Creator founded the Earth.

Source Energy Awareness (SEA) is the sole Creator, the Eternal, and It created the dimensions of Omniverse before creating any entities. Through the third dimension of Consciousness—i.e., through the Child, the Son, the Christ consciousness—all things were created within the dimensions of Time and constructed using the dimensions of Space.

3. Light existed before it was introduced to Earth in the Book of Genesis account.

The light present in Omniverse is the extension into three dimensions Consciousness of the Eternal Illumination, which is further extended into the dimensions of Time and Space where it is sometimes concealed and sometimes revealed. See also item number 9 in the October 2021 post.

4. The letter, Daleth, signifies relative inferiority compared to the others. The letter Heh follows Daleth but should follow Gimel. Vav is a single letter but denotes the fact that the world is sealed within six directions.

Daleth corresponds to the first dimension of Time and to the primary geometric building block of Omniverse: the tetrahedron. Heh corresponds to the second dimension of Time, which is almost a more fundamental function than Daleth because the second dimension of Time is the central dimension of Omniverse, the CPU, the engine of Omniverse; so here we disagree with the rabbis. Vav corresponds to the third dimension of Time, but it is also the quality—the quality of “time and chance,” the quality of hazard—that effectively “encapsulates” all Reality Boxes including the Master Reality Box (as demonstrated by numerological analysis of our Cube of Space-Time-Mind™). See the August 2017 post: “The Cube of Space-Time-Mind™” and the September 2017 post: “Exploring the Cube of Space-Time-Mind™. “Sealed within six directions” also alludes to a representational cube.

5. The Garden of Eden was an actual place on Earth.

Although it can serve as a metaphor and allegory, or myth, the Garden of Eden was a specific geographical area in the Middle East and is associated with an ancient history account of the intentional and purposeful creation of humans by a higher order of beings. But for clarity one must look beyond Hebrew scriptures to primary source materials used in drafting those scriptures. The creation of humans was not the result of Darwinian evolution, randomness, or Panspermia.

6. “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth” is a statement intended to include the sun, moon, and stars, as well as trees, plants, and the Garden of Eden.

This is a logical but misguided conclusion. The Book of Genesis discussion of the “beginning” is about a new beginning for Earth and its atmosphere, a reset, a reboot, a global reclamation project that followed the worldwide destruction of an advanced Elder Race civilization, stone works of which have been found all over the planet. The Garden of Eden—which marks the beginning of humankind—was not part of the beginning of Omniverse, nor was the creation of any other lifeform. See also last month’s item number 3.

7. The letter, Cheth, eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, relates to travel from the north for both good and evil purposes. This traveling includes God’s travels to Earth. For examples, see: Ezekiel 1:4—”Behold, a stormy wind coming from the north, a great cloud and burning fire,” and: Leviticus 10:2—“And fire went out from before God, and it consumed them and killed them,” when people failed to do God’s Will.

Cheth means “enclosure,” and in the Tarot (e.g., Rider-Waite Deck) this enclosure is further depicted as a Chariot (as in Prophet Ezekiel’s story) pulled by a black sphinx and a white sphinx (symbolizing good and evil; polarity; electromagnetism). The Tarot’s chariot bears an emblem with wings—one on each side of a disk—signifying aerial flight and the ability to hover like a bird of prey, and it is decorated with blue (out-of-the-blue sky) with stars above (alluding to flight in outer space). The chariot’s driver is crowned, and on the front of the crown there is an eight-pointed star, symbolizing the cardinal and the primary intercardinal directions. This letter, Cheth, we say, alludes to “God’s” antigravitic flying chariot, which can navigate in any direction within the atmosphere as well as in outer space, as he does according to his will and purposes—for better (good) or worse (evil), from the human perspective—including the murder of disobedient ones. This “God” is not synonymous with SEA, not the Creator of Omniverse. Note too that the Sumerian glyph for “Heavenly Father” (Dingir) symbolizes the eight cardinal and primary intercardinal directions in a circular pattern of two sets of four evenly spaced spokes. Similar symbolism appears on the Wheel of Fortune tarot card which features a disk and alludes to the biblical experience of Ezekiel.

8. The Petach is an opening, one of a number of northern gates through which good and evil enters. Good is a small opening, and “righteousness looks down from heaven.” The gates are called Gates of Zion, “openings of the world.” God said he loves these Gates of Zion when open because they are on the side of evil.

Again, we say with certainty that this “God” is not the Creator of Omniverse as commonly assumed due to frequent repetitious misinterpretation of the term “Elohim” in the Old Testament. The Draco (dragon’s) Constellation is found in the far northern sky. The “gates,” we say, are stellar and planetary alignments corresponding to seasons, days, and times. “Good” is the small opening, the “narrow gate” mentioned in the New Testament (and commonly understood as strictly metaphorical because Jesus of Nazareth spoke to the uninitiated masses of people in parables/code). Petach means “opening,” “doorway,” or “entrance”—in this case an avenue or time and place of entry into Earth’s atmosphere from deep space. Is there any numerological connection between the Petach and the above-mentioned Chariot of “God”? Yes, in both Pythagorean numerology and Chaldean numerology Petach has the numerical value of eight.

9. When, of two men, one is inclined to do evil but does good, and the other is inclined to do good but does evil, the one more praiseworthy is the one inclined to do evil.

By this thinking, it can be justified—rationalized—that “God” destroyed the surface of the planet by way of the Great Flood because the human inhabitants were considered incorrigible sinners, and the Flood enabled making a fresh start, a global reset. Maybe this has been the idea behind every radical earth-wide climate change, famine, and pandemic. We note that although it is commonly believed that the Flood was intended to kill off the Nephilim hybrids, the Bible itself says that Nephilim were present both before and after the Flood, and it expresses suspicion that Noah may not have been entirely homo sapiens. Therefore, this annihilation appears to have been limited to obsolete/defective non-hybrid humans. In any case this “God” is not the Creator of Omniverse identified in NoetiTaoism™, not the invisible Source Energy Awareness (SEA) that imagined the world—the framework of Omniverse—into existence before creation of gods or angels, including Yahweh/Jehovah.

In summation, it must be assured that the rabbis were not advocating or excusing evil human behavior. The text of the Sepher Bahir says: “…repel yourself from evil… Good will then certainly attach itself to you.” It is my view that these rabbis were a bit confused by what they believed to be properly translated bedrock Scriptures compiled from earlier records of neighboring cultures, and that they were attempting to understand the reported actions of a jealous, demanding, angry, murderous, and genocidal entity that they knew, via Moses, as “God” and took to be the Creator of all things. I believe the rabbis’ advice was intended to keep people safe from the Fire from the sky that can consume even ordinary fire—“And God’s fire fell, and it consumed the burnt offerings, the wood, the stones, the dust, and evaporated the water that was in the trench” (1 Kings 18:38).